Monday, August 31, 2009

Me and Jeff

Now I know that the title is not gramatically correct, but that is not what this blog is about. The focus is about my stories and experiences. When I was little my Mom would refer to me and one of my close friends as "Mut and Jeff", so I changed it a little and made it Me and Jeff, since this past weekend Jeff Buckles and I did some traveling together. These pictures are from the trail and resevior near his parents house in Connecticut.



JMK said...

Great pictures, so green and lush. You're experiencing so much. Enjoy. Come visit Colorado too!

Anonymous said...

Is that a zip line or a really high slack line in the trees? Please explain...


Matt Seagrave said...

rope swing. The top part is chained to the trees about 2-3 stories up the tree. Jeff and his friends put it there in H.S. Jeff was going to swing on it but there have been some modifications and did not really look that safe.