Monday, August 31, 2009


So, I have been putting more thought into what direction I want to go into in the the next year or two. Today I was given the advice to take everthing that surrounds me (family, friends, faith etc.) and take them and put them aside and just focus on myself and not worry about everything else. Which sounds fine and good, but I want those people to be in my life after I decide what path I shall take so I feel that it is important that they are a part of the thought process.
Whithout my family close friends and FAITH I would not be where I am today!!!



JMK said...

Could luck figuring everything out. Pray about it!

donnamaenot said...

Just take your time and follow your heart. I think what your dad said is very valid. Be Matt Seagrave and the rest will follow suit. <3 Donna.